She had 29 cut injuries on her chest and two on her head, as per the clinical inspector. Her throat had additionally been sliced.

In spite of many meetings and other serious police work, Marsi’s attacker stayed unidentified for quite a long time.

Marsi Leah Belecz was just 12-years of age at the hour of her homicide and was a brilliant understudy in her school.

She had a cozy relationship with her family and, as per reports, lived in Spokane, Washington, with her folks and kin. Marsi was depicted as an enthusiastic and cheerful individual who was infatuated with life is as yet missed right up ’til the present time.

As per sources, she had as of late bought another outfit with her recompense and was very satisfied with her buy.

Her dad, then again, seemed disappointed with the dress and purportedly offered a couple of terrible remarks to the 12-year-old.

Therefore, she bid her mom goodbye prior to escaping the house on August 3, 1985. Marsi was most recently seen at a party in Spokane on that evening prior to vanishing totally, as per police.

Clayton Carl Giese is as of now dead. He is the main individual, police have associated and make certain with carrying out the wrongdoing of killing Marsi. Clayton Carl Giese is no longer with us, having died under three years later the wrongdoing.

Specialists had the option to limit four explicit people, two of whom were precluded in light of the fact that their DNA didn’t match that found at the crime location.

At the point when the police concentrated on the third individual, Clayton Carl Giese, they found he had a minor criminal record.

Officials had the option to distinguish Clayton Carl Giese as the killer of Marsi Leah Belecz due to the affirmed legal proof against him.

Marsi Leah Belecz didn’t decide to die as she was killed by Calyron Carl Giese while Giese dies in an auto collision following 3 years of killing her. Clayton was driving down Appleway Boulevard close to Interstate 90 in Spokane County on January 29, 1989.

While steering around a turn, he failed to keep a grip on his vehicle. Clayton died because of the following auto crash.

In spite of the way that Clayton died in 1989, specialists unearthed his body and recuperated a DNA test that was an ideal match to the one found at the crime location.